Salient Features of Payra-Gopalganj-Aminbazar 400kV Double Circuit Transmission Line Project (2nd Phase)

Name of the Project Payra-Gopalganj-Aminbazar 400kV Double Circuit Transmission Line (2nd Phase) Project
Nature Power Transmission Line
Project Feasibility Study October, 2020
Invitation for Bid
  1. 14.12.2020
  2. 18.08.2023 for Padma River Crossing
Bid Closing Date
  1. 04.02.2021
  2. 17.10.2023 for Padma River Crossing
Type of Bid International Competitive Bid (ICB) based on Single Stage Two Envelope Method
EPC Contractor
  1. Consortium of CECC-FEDI-SINOHYDRO for Overland Portion
  2. Consortium of CECC-MBEC-FEDI for Padma River Crossing Portion
Contract Signing Date Overland:
13.07.2021& 07.03.2024 (Amendment No.1)
Padma River Crossing:
EPC Cost
  1. USD241,457,474.00 and BDT603,764,826.00 for Overland Portion (Amendment No. 1)
  2. USD 351841050 and BDT 1349687222 for Padma River Crossing Portion
Consultant Overland:
  1. PGCB for the review of design and drawing
  2. Consultant for Monitoring (in evaluation stage)

Padma River Crossing:
  1. BUET for the review of Design and drawing
  2. SMEC for Monitoring of constructional work
Line Capacity (Thermal) 2488MW
Voltage Level 400kV
No. of Circuit Two
Conductor Quad Bundle ACSR Finch (Overland) and Quad Bundle ACCC (River Crossing)
Length of the Line (approximately) 256.314 Route km
Power Evacuation Line From Payra Power Hub to Aminbazar Via Gopalganj PGCB Substation